STATE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL'S 55th CLASS REUNION WAS HELD ON AUG. 18-20, 2017 AT THE CLARION IN CEDAR FALLS. If anyone has pics for inclusion please forward to --thanks. MORE PICS TO FOLLOW. STAY TUNED.

Dick Brammer and Gary Waldon were traveling and couldn't make it to the final meeting of the 55th Reunion Committee. Dave Fish, Jackie Ackerman Wulf, Don Wood, and Karl Knutson tied up loose ends, paid bills, and looked forward to another occasion to meet again in that misty enigma called the future. Strive!

"Remember when we ......." Jackie, Linda, and Marilyn (and David Voorhis) from Longmont, CO, touch base with reminiscing and updates. Jackie and Linda live with their spouses in the Cedar Falls area when not escaping Iowa's harsh winters with traveling or living in Florida as Linda Jorgensen Risting and husband do. Jackie and Duane are still busy with running their heritage farm.
After the dinner, class meeting, and a few anecdotes recounted by Don, Karl ran a competition of the five tables in trivia consisting of 4 categories: School Lore, Arts and Entertainment, Things you should have learned in school if you were paying attention, and Howlish, Miscellany. Table 5 (Dick, Mary, Gary, Linda) won and Table 1 (Dave F., Bob, Jeanne, Marcia, Gary) got second on a tie-breaker. Here are some of the questions from School Lore:
1. What ever became of Mary Sue Wilson, class of '61?
2. Wen did TC High become SCI High?
3. What former May Queen wrote the best-seller Sleeping with the Enemy?
4. Name 3 players on the 1957 undefeated football team.
5. What TC grad became a CF policeman and later head of the Iowa Criminal Investigation Div. that cracked an infamous CF murder mystery?
6. What social studies teacher was part of the US Army force that was about to invade Japan just before the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
7. Who headed up the Audio/Visual Dept. at the Lab School?
8. Name the kicker of the 1958 football team known as "Golden Toe?"
9. Name a cheerleader in the class of '61 whose initials are CR.
10. What are the first names of Schools, Mohn, and Hosier?
11. Name one singer in the renowned barbershop quartet in the class of '61.
12. What state was Coach John Aldrich from?
1. What ever became of Mary Sue Wilson, class of '61?
2. Wen did TC High become SCI High?
3. What former May Queen wrote the best-seller Sleeping with the Enemy?
4. Name 3 players on the 1957 undefeated football team.
5. What TC grad became a CF policeman and later head of the Iowa Criminal Investigation Div. that cracked an infamous CF murder mystery?
6. What social studies teacher was part of the US Army force that was about to invade Japan just before the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
7. Who headed up the Audio/Visual Dept. at the Lab School?
8. Name the kicker of the 1958 football team known as "Golden Toe?"
9. Name a cheerleader in the class of '61 whose initials are CR.
10. What are the first names of Schools, Mohn, and Hosier?
11. Name one singer in the renowned barbershop quartet in the class of '61.
12. What state was Coach John Aldrich from?
The 55th reunion started with a flurry of emails for an unexpected, serendipitous get-together by class president Don Wood:
Don Wood
Apr 12
to Anthony, Arden, Becky, Bob, Craig, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy, Norm
Sorry for the delay in sending the update related to our 55th reunion.
The Planning Committee (consisting of Jackie Ackerman Wulf, Dick Brammer, Dave Fish, Gary Waldon and myself) met last week. We had a great time at our meeting – it was difficult to stay on task. After reviewing the emails sent by classmates related to the reunion, we decided that we would aim for one of the following weekends:
August 18-20
August 25-27
September 1-3
We thought that the event should start with an informal gathering Friday afternoon/evening. This will probably be held at a motel/hotel meeting room – the same motel/hotel at which most of you elect to stay. More about motel/hotel information in a future email. Once we decide upon which weekend the event will be held, I will negotiate with the motels and hotels to find the best rates for our group.
Saturday during the day has not yet been planned – we are open to suggestions.
Saturday evening: depending upon attendance and interest, we will probably have an evening meal at a restaurant in Cedar Falls. If attendance/interest is low, we may elect to hold an informal gathering with catered food at a motel/hotel.
Please respond to this email stating your preferences
Our treasury is low (less than $100.00). Therefore, classmates will need to contribute for a catered event and will have to pay for their meal(s) at a restaurant.
Please pass on this information to classmates not on my email list. I have updated several email addresses since the last mailing – I will continue to do so as I receive new information.
I suggest that when you respond to this email that you “reply to all” so that your classmates will be aware of your likely attendance. Some email hosts do not like responses that are sent to lists of people so you may not be able to do so.
I look forward to seeing you this summer.
Don Wood
Apr 12
to Don, Anthony, Arden, Becky, Bob, Craig, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy
August 18 is good. Could we stay at the casino? Keep us posted on attendees. Thanks for planning this. Sigrid
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE SmartphoneBob Hundley <>Apr 13
to Don, Anthony, Arden, Becky, Craig, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy, Norm
Any of the three would be fine for this outsider.
Bob Hundley
Adamson, David
Apr 13
to Don, Anthony, Arden, Becky, Bob, Craig, Darlene, Dave, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy, Norm
My classes start August 22. But perhaps I could make the 18th work. I'd love to come.
DavidArden Stokstad
Apr 13
to Don, Anthony, Becky, Bob, Craig, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy, Norm
We can make any of these dates work.Roger Carver
Apr 13
to Don, Anthony, Arden, Becky, Bob, Craig, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy
Again... thanks for the planning efforts... What happened to Sturgis Falls Days??? Too many people doing other things? I had already planned on coming out to C.F. that weekend...
Like David, my Fall semester will be starting Monday August 21st, so 19th & 20th might be a possibility...
rBecky Herrington
Apr 13
to Arden, Don, Anthony, Bob, Craig, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy, Norm
I should be able to come whenever you decide...the first date seems the best.
Sent from my iPhonepam clayturley
Apr 14
to Don, Anthony, Arden, Becky, Bob, Craig, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy
Barb Bailey and I are planning to come and can make any of those dates altho the middle one -Aug 25 is the best. Possibly a picnic at Island Park on Saturday? Open for either catered meal at hotel or going out on Saturday night
From: Don Wood
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 1:10 PM
Subject: SCHS 55th Reunion
Apr 14
to pam, Don, Anthony, Arden, Becky, Bob, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy
While any of the three dates would probably work, the September dates seem best for us. Any meal arrangements would be fine, although I think dining in a restaurant downtown would be really fun for those of us who don't get back to CF that often. Maybe we could pass the hat and take up a collection so we'd have some funds for the future in the treasury.Mary Jane Hooper
Apr 20
to Don, Arden, Becky, Bob, Craig, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy, Norm
Dear Classmates
All your names listed in the email have brought back a flood of wonderful memories I have from my year at SCHS. That is one year in my life which I would love to repeat. You were all so friendly and welcoming. A bit of America rubbed off on me and is still there.
I would so like to attend the reunion, but unfortunately it will not be possible. Mary Jane and I travel a good deal to see our children and grandchildren and we do come to North America as Kevin, our son, lives in Toronto. We will be visiting him in June and a further trip this year will not be possible.
I will be thinking of you, when you have the reunion. Please take some photos and send them to me.
Mary Jane and I celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary last year, when we had all our children and grandchildren with us. Attached is a photo from this gathering. The English family with two boys are on the left, the Canadians with a girl and boy are in the middle and the South African family are on the right with a boy and a girl.
My very best regards to you all
Attachments areaKarl M. Knutson <>Apr 20
to Mary
Anthony ~
What a handsome family! Sorry you can't make it. BTW, there's a website about our last reunion at I was just looking at it and laughed again at your "parp" bottle story.
Best regards,
Karl KnutsonMary Jane Hooper via Apr 21
to me
Another story that will live with me forever, Karl, is my introduction to you on the playing fields of the school in August 1961. In this introduction, I spoke of "the chaps" which term, I recall, you enjoying very much. Thanks for the website details. I had a look at it and wow! the memories it brought back were as if it all happened yesterday.
Best regards
Don Wood
Apr 12
to Anthony, Arden, Becky, Bob, Craig, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy, Norm
Sorry for the delay in sending the update related to our 55th reunion.
The Planning Committee (consisting of Jackie Ackerman Wulf, Dick Brammer, Dave Fish, Gary Waldon and myself) met last week. We had a great time at our meeting – it was difficult to stay on task. After reviewing the emails sent by classmates related to the reunion, we decided that we would aim for one of the following weekends:
August 18-20
August 25-27
September 1-3
We thought that the event should start with an informal gathering Friday afternoon/evening. This will probably be held at a motel/hotel meeting room – the same motel/hotel at which most of you elect to stay. More about motel/hotel information in a future email. Once we decide upon which weekend the event will be held, I will negotiate with the motels and hotels to find the best rates for our group.
Saturday during the day has not yet been planned – we are open to suggestions.
Saturday evening: depending upon attendance and interest, we will probably have an evening meal at a restaurant in Cedar Falls. If attendance/interest is low, we may elect to hold an informal gathering with catered food at a motel/hotel.
Please respond to this email stating your preferences
- Please state if you will attend and if you will be bringing a guest.
- Indicate which of the 3 listed dates will work, or will not work, for you.
- Provide suggestions for Saturday activities.
- Is an evening meal at a restaurant Saturday evening ok with you?
Our treasury is low (less than $100.00). Therefore, classmates will need to contribute for a catered event and will have to pay for their meal(s) at a restaurant.
Please pass on this information to classmates not on my email list. I have updated several email addresses since the last mailing – I will continue to do so as I receive new information.
I suggest that when you respond to this email that you “reply to all” so that your classmates will be aware of your likely attendance. Some email hosts do not like responses that are sent to lists of people so you may not be able to do so.
I look forward to seeing you this summer.
Don Wood
Apr 12
to Don, Anthony, Arden, Becky, Bob, Craig, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy
August 18 is good. Could we stay at the casino? Keep us posted on attendees. Thanks for planning this. Sigrid
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE SmartphoneBob Hundley <>Apr 13
to Don, Anthony, Arden, Becky, Craig, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy, Norm
Any of the three would be fine for this outsider.
Bob Hundley
Adamson, David
Apr 13
to Don, Anthony, Arden, Becky, Bob, Craig, Darlene, Dave, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy, Norm
My classes start August 22. But perhaps I could make the 18th work. I'd love to come.
DavidArden Stokstad
Apr 13
to Don, Anthony, Becky, Bob, Craig, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy, Norm
We can make any of these dates work.Roger Carver
Apr 13
to Don, Anthony, Arden, Becky, Bob, Craig, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy
Again... thanks for the planning efforts... What happened to Sturgis Falls Days??? Too many people doing other things? I had already planned on coming out to C.F. that weekend...
Like David, my Fall semester will be starting Monday August 21st, so 19th & 20th might be a possibility...
rBecky Herrington
Apr 13
to Arden, Don, Anthony, Bob, Craig, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy, Norm
I should be able to come whenever you decide...the first date seems the best.
Sent from my iPhonepam clayturley
Apr 14
to Don, Anthony, Arden, Becky, Bob, Craig, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy
Barb Bailey and I are planning to come and can make any of those dates altho the middle one -Aug 25 is the best. Possibly a picnic at Island Park on Saturday? Open for either catered meal at hotel or going out on Saturday night
From: Don Wood
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 1:10 PM
Subject: SCHS 55th Reunion
Apr 14
to pam, Don, Anthony, Arden, Becky, Bob, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy
While any of the three dates would probably work, the September dates seem best for us. Any meal arrangements would be fine, although I think dining in a restaurant downtown would be really fun for those of us who don't get back to CF that often. Maybe we could pass the hat and take up a collection so we'd have some funds for the future in the treasury.Mary Jane Hooper
Apr 20
to Don, Arden, Becky, Bob, Craig, Darlene, Dave, David, Dick, Don, Gary, Georgia, Glenda, Jackie, Jim, Jo, Judy, me, Linda, Luanne, Marcia, Marilyn, Meriel, Nancy, Norm
Dear Classmates
All your names listed in the email have brought back a flood of wonderful memories I have from my year at SCHS. That is one year in my life which I would love to repeat. You were all so friendly and welcoming. A bit of America rubbed off on me and is still there.
I would so like to attend the reunion, but unfortunately it will not be possible. Mary Jane and I travel a good deal to see our children and grandchildren and we do come to North America as Kevin, our son, lives in Toronto. We will be visiting him in June and a further trip this year will not be possible.
I will be thinking of you, when you have the reunion. Please take some photos and send them to me.
Mary Jane and I celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary last year, when we had all our children and grandchildren with us. Attached is a photo from this gathering. The English family with two boys are on the left, the Canadians with a girl and boy are in the middle and the South African family are on the right with a boy and a girl.
My very best regards to you all
Attachments areaKarl M. Knutson <>Apr 20
to Mary
Anthony ~
What a handsome family! Sorry you can't make it. BTW, there's a website about our last reunion at I was just looking at it and laughed again at your "parp" bottle story.
Best regards,
Karl KnutsonMary Jane Hooper via Apr 21
to me
Another story that will live with me forever, Karl, is my introduction to you on the playing fields of the school in August 1961. In this introduction, I spoke of "the chaps" which term, I recall, you enjoying very much. Thanks for the website details. I had a look at it and wow! the memories it brought back were as if it all happened yesterday.
Best regards